We sit down with Austin based Guitarist/Song writer/Singer to discuss his latest record “Outside the Lines” and a whole lot more. lots to learn here!
Category: podcast
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Episode 375- Artur Menezes

Artur Menezes joins us to talk about Fuzz, Music and the future of Blues and Rock!
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Episode 373- Anthony Rosano & The Conqueroos

Anthony Rosano joins us to talk Conqueroos!!!!!, he and his amazing band, music and everything. we talk gear and all…ya’ll…
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Episode 372- Philip Sayce Returns with “The Wolves are Coming”

Philip Sayce Returns to GRS with a deep introspective record that is Urgent, Intense, Gigantic & Poignant. We dig in to talk about the music, the inspiration and PRS.
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Episode 371- Albert Cummings- “Strong”

Albert Cummings joins with his latest- “Strong” and folks… It Is. Check out our interview.
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Episode 369- Andy Aledort- In a Dream

Every once in a great while some music comes along and rescue’s you. When Andy Aledort sent me “In a Dream” the timing couldn’t have been more perfect. Upon hearing it the first time I knew it was special, but as the time past and the more I played it and absorbed it, I realized this would be one of the most important records in my life. I thought those days were long gone. Thankfully, I was wrong. Check out our interview.
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Episode 367 Mick Mars Interview: The Other Side of Mars

Our next guest is a founding member of Motley Crue. A guitarist that in my opinion is completely unique. His tone and playing is instantly recognizable, His long awaited solo release “The other side of Mars” is finally here and we are honored he has taken some time out to speak with us today. Please welcome to GRS, Mr Mick Mars.